Contrast this to chemically engineered pandemics. As we saw in the 2001 anthrax attacks, a very small number of people (or a single person) can create a bioweapon. Yes, decades of research in chemistry and biology will pave the way for such weapons (please for the love of god stop publishing research on how to make vaccine-proof smallpox), but an individual terrorist, if given the right skill set, could synthesize a horribly transferable and deadly virus. Maybe some state actor vaccinates its population and then releases super-smallpox on the rest of us, but it is more likely that a single individual with a school-shooter mentality learns biology. This is something we need to protect against (again, open source is good for some software, not chemically engineered bioweapons of mass destruction).
AGI, at this point in human history, is likely to be much more similar to nuclear weapons. The work of an entire field of researchers and an entire industry of engineers will lead to the development of AGI. Such a massive set of training data and such a large amount of compute is simply not accessible to lone individuals. There is a certain romanticization of the "lone genius." People such as Einstein who contributed massively in their field, breaking away from the standard line of thinking and jumping to revolutionary conclusions seemingly overnight. There are also the engineers with massive individual impact, such as Linus Torvalds (creator of the Linux operating system and Git). However, even these impacts are within a certain ecosystem, followed up by critical additions by their spiritual descendants. In some fields of science, a lone genius can create (Linux) or destroy (Smallpox 2.0). In the world of AI, it seems we are stuck with organizational level change. This can be a blessing, or it can be a curse. Who do you trust more, organizations (companies, governments, NGOs), or individuals (Einstein, Linus, the unknown individual who killed five people via Anthrax)?
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